Responsive Philanthropy: The COVID Years
2020-2021 Annual Report
Remembering the pandemic
As we look forward to providing a new round of capacity building grants in February 2024 to help extend the reach and strengthen the impact of health-related nonprofits across Kansas, it causes us to reflect on some of the work we did during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021.
We’re reminded of the multitude of ways COVID challenged our health care, mental health and public health systems and stretched nonprofits and agencies working to help people navigate their way through the devastating health, social and economic effects of the pandemic.
The immediate and widespread need that arose from the unprecedented health emergency reinforced the value and importance of helping nonprofits build their organizational capacities to better serve Kansans, especially in times of crisis.
In our report, “Responsive Philanthropy: The COVID Years,” we highlight the pivotal work we undertook during the pandemic to respond to the evolving needs of our fellow Kansans. Join us in reflecting on these challenging and uncertain times, and how they made us reassess and streamline our approach to philanthropy.